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The most commonly asked question I get is specifically what books have I completed? Well here is the list. 


There are some other frequently asked questions I get, which I have listed for you below. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, you can always hit the contact page and ask me directly. I’ll do my best to get the answer for you as soon as I can.

When will the Hellbeast book be available?

Although no exact release date has been set yet (as of August 1, 2022) she said previously she hopes it will be out by the end of this year!




When will the final Transfusion audiobooks come out?

The author said the final Transfusion books will be available as an audiobook by the end of the year (end of 2022).



When will Vincent's Immortal Curse book 2 be out?

I wish I had a good answer for you. Not anytime soon, apparently, as the author is currently on a book tour in the US. Update 4/26/2023: I’m happy to say that the author has said she’ll be finishing this story ‘next year’ although she didn’t go into further details, only that she will be finishing up several loose ends or stories that didn’t get complete in 2024, which also includes a couple of new books about Pip’s story.

I found a mistake

Eeek! If you found a mistake please click the contact link and let me know. I appreciate any help you can give me in fixing any mistakes I may have made.


What is this?

Think of this website as a “Wikipedia” of characters from the Afterlife Saga series as well as the other related series that came after it like Transfusion. In short, my goal is to describe as much as I can each character that lives in the Afterlife saga world.


Why did you make this website?

When I first started the Afterlife series, I got it through Audible and I was hooked right away. I loved it! But I found when listening (instead of reading the printed word) I often found myself confused always asking myself, .. wait, who is this? Five books in my frustration grew when I would get confused about who a person was because there are just so many people in the book and so many things going on, that it was hard to keep up.



By book seven I sat down and started taking notes and knew that I wanted to help others who were in my position and that’s when this website was born.





Do you know Stephanie Hudson?

No I do not personally know the author of these amazing books. I am just a fan who happens to have the hobby of cataloging characters of her many wonderful books. If you would like to get to know more about Stephanie Hudson the author of the Afterlife Saga might I suggest you check out her facebook page.


What about Transfusion?

I will be adding characters from all the books in the Transfusion series since in the end, they are all part of the same world. It’s just going to take me some time to get through all the books in all of the series.

How about Kings of Afterlife?

In the end, my plan is to include characters from all the series that are part of the same world of Afterlife which includes all 12 books in the Afterlife series, all 12 books of Transfusion, The Kings of Afterlife series, King of Kings, and The Shadow Imp Series.


How often do you update this site?

We are just getting started. There are so many characters in this amazing world. But not worry, I update the site with new character details a few times a week.

What about the other charactesr?

I’ve only just got started and will be adding all the wonderful and diverse characters in the Afterlife world. I’ve started with book 1 and am adding them as they appear in the series.


The Afterlife saga isn’t really a series that you can just pick up any random book in the series and read. It’s a 12-book story, that requires you to know what happened in the previous book to be able to understand what is going on in the next book. So really there isn’t a point in reading book three without having first read books one and two. You wouldn’t remotely understand what was happening and who was who without first reading the other books in the series.


What's the most current series?

Right now the author is working on the Hellbeast King series which I think will include a total of 4 books.


The Hellbeast King


The Afterlife Saga


Book 1

The Two Kings

Book 2

The Triple Goddess

Book 3

The Quarter Moon

Book 4

The Pentagram Child Part 1

Book 5

The Pentagram Child Part 2

Book 6

Cult of the Hexad

Book 7

Sacrifice of the Septimus Part 1

Book 8

Sacrifice of the Septimus Part 2

Book 9

Blood of the Infinity War

Book 10

Happy Ever Afterlife Part 1

Book 11

Happy Ever Afterlife Part 2

Book 12



Book 1

Venom of God

Book 2

Blood of Kings

Book 3

Rise of Ashes

Book 4

Map of Sorrows

Book 5

Tree of Souls

Book 6

Kingdoms of Hell

Book 7

Eyes of Crimson

Book 8

Roots of Rage

Book 9

Heart of Darkness

Book 10

Wraith of Fire

Book 11

Queen of Sins

Book 12